Mokhoa oa ho sebelisa likarolo tsa Granite bakeng sa computed tomography ea indasteri?

Likarolo tsa granite, tse kang lipoleiti tsa granite le li-block tsa granite, li atisa ho sebelisoa indastering ea computed tomography (CT) ka lebaka la botsitso ba tsona bo phahameng le coefficient e tlaase ea ho atolosa mocheso.Sehloohong sena, re tla tšohla mokhoa oa ho sebelisa likarolo tsa granite ka katleho bakeng sa CT ea indasteri.

Taba ea pele, lipoleiti tsa granite li ka sebelisoa e le setsi se tsitsitseng sa CT scanner.Ha u etsa CT scans, botsitso ke ba bohlokoa ho netefatsa ho nepahala le ho tsitsa ha liphetho.Lipoleiti tsa granite li tsejoa ka botsitso ba tsona bo phahameng le coefficient e tlase ea ho atolosa mocheso, ho bolelang hore ha ho bonolo ho atolosa kapa ho fokotseha ka lebaka la liphetoho tsa mocheso.Botsitso bona bo fana ka motheo o ka tšeptjoang oa CT scanner, ho fokotsa kotsi ea liphoso tsa ho lekanya.

Taba ea bobeli, li-block tsa granite li ka sebelisoa e le litekanyetso tsa litšupiso kapa lisebelisoa tsa ho lekanya.Boima le homogeneity ea granite e etsa hore e be thepa e loketseng bakeng sa ho hlahisa litekanyetso tsa litšupiso kapa lisebelisoa tsa ho lekanya bakeng sa li-scanner tsa CT.Li-blocks tsena li ka sebelisoa ho lekanya CT scanner bakeng sa litekanyo tse nepahetseng le ho netefatsa liphetho tse tsitsitseng.

Taba ea boraro, likaroloana tsa granite li ka sebelisoa ho fokotsa lerata le ho thothomela nakong ea liteko tsa CT.Granite e monya ho thothomela 'me e fokotsa lerata, e etsa hore e be thepa e loketseng bakeng sa likarolo tse lokelang ho lula li tsitsitse nakong ea CT scans.Mohlala, li-block tsa granite li ka sebelisoa e le litšehetso tsa lintho tse hlahlojoang ho fokotsa ho thothomela le ho netefatsa litekanyo tse nepahetseng.

Ntlha ea bone, likarolo tsa granite li ka sebelisoa ho ntlafatsa ho nepahala ha CT scans.Ho ba le botsitso bo phahameng le ho fokotsa mocheso o fokolang oa granite ho thusa ho fokotsa liphoso tsa tekanyo le ho ntlafatsa tharollo ea CT scans.Ho nepahala hona ho bohlokoa bakeng sa lits'ebetso tse joalo ka tlhahlobo ea bongaka, moo le liphoso tse nyane haholo tsa litekanyo li ka bang le litlamorao tse kholo.

Qetellong, tšebeliso ea likarolo tsa granite indastering ea CT e ka ntlafatsa ho nepahala, ho nepahala, le ho tsitsa ha litekanyo.Ka ho sebelisa lipoleiti tsa granite e le motheo o tsitsitseng, li-blocks tsa granite e le lisebelisoa tsa ho lekanya, le ho sebelisa likaroloana tsa granite ho monya lerata le ho fokotsa ho thothomela, boleng ba CT scans bo ka ntlafatsoa haholo.Ka hona, tšebeliso ea likarolo tsa granite indastering ea CT ke mokhoa oa bohlokoa o ka ntlafatsang ho nepahala le ho ts'epahala ha liphetho tsa tekanyo.

ho nepahala granite16

Nako ea poso: Dec-07-2023